Think Purple Teens
There is huge focus at Think Purple for our teens . I feel that in this era things for the teens gets pushed aside. The focus at school appear to always focus on getting them JOB ready (whatever that means?) I am all about teaching EQ over the importance of IQ, our teens these days need to put much more attention on their inner world of self worth and self esteem and create a passion for building positive emotions from the inside as opposed to portraying an image on the surface that seems to fit what society and their peer groups deem as normal and acceptable. Being unique and standing out amongst the crowd is of paramount importance, in this overly competitive world.
Throughout the year i run a few different courses and workshops for them ..the staples that i run weekly ae my Monday night teen sessions for kids aged 13 plus and my weekly sewing session . Both these regular classes are about problem solving and using their right hand brains to to think intuitively and trust that they have the answers in them themselves instead of another adult telling them how it is and how it should be done. I am there to listen and HEAR what they have to say and we work together to create projects that they have predominantly come up with on their own. this is extremely empowering for them and building a sense of pride in what they do can be so rewarding.
Below are the details of what runs regularly.
I also hold quarterly self empowerment weekend workshops with the assistance of other facilitators offering everything form meditation to yoga practice all focusing on mindfulness and building self love.
Teen Option 1
Monday Night Class
Monday Nights 5.00pm – 6.45pm
By this age kids have usually been drawing and painting for a while at school and have usually grasped the basics of these disciplines. However as school life continues art can sometimes be pushed aside for other studies and commitments, likewise they are told at school they have to paint and draw a certain way to fit in with the curriculum. when this happens the fun can go out of it, sadly leaving the student lost and bored in their once happy place of creativity.
When this happens kids lose their creative flair and their logical left brain thinking can take over and cause havoc with anxiety levels and stress .
This is why this teen group is vital for giving kids a way to relax and unwind and keep their right brain thinking switched ON. I am passionate about the resilience that can be achieved through art making and as we get older it becomes even more important to keep in the flow of creativity.
These session offer anyone from 13 years old upwards a relaxing and self expressive environment where they are free to explore their preferred medium . I offer everything from jewellery making and fashion, sewing, painting and drawing anything goes. We listen to music, laugh and sometimes even order pizza.! It is a space where they can really use their own minds to come up with projects. I have 2, recently graduated girls that are offering mentorship with the younger teens. (you can find out more about theme in the about section above. We are even now discussing ways we can make and sell our craft at markets in the community and online using etsy and even instagram. and youtube. This is their world, so why not play in it and allow them to make money doing what they see others making money at., They will learn entrepreneurial skills, business skills , communication skills etc. All they need to do is let me know what they might like to learn and I will resource it for them and together we can learn hope to make it work.
These are very casual sessions where they have the option of help from me if needing ideas and inspiration. I also know that some that come just want the freedom to express themselves their way and use my space and materials and ask for help as and when needed , i want them to be independent thinkers when it comes to painting and drawing it is important that they are allowed to follow their own world of imagination
They will learn to be more intuitive with their art and follow the excitement not the over thinking path to art. The possibilities in life are ENDLESS when they keep working from the creative side of their brains and allow their imagination and intuition to flow.
All these creative skills are essential for their young minds as they go through high school. it is not just a ” nice thing to do” (believe me it is the most VITAL thing any young person can continue to pursue). It reduces anxiety, builds self esteem , creates great problem solvers, gets them to think outside the box, and just so much more. EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE is what kids need to grow into confident happy positive adults not IQ’s !!
Today more then ever our kids NEED TO THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX. The creative arts does this !!
$28 a session or a block of 5 for $125
Please note this session is for anyone one that is aged 13 up, that wishes to come and explore and play with art materials that they don’t usually get time to use. The studio is a great place to come at the end of the week on a Friday for a couple of hours to unwind and relax with other like minded creatives
Teen Option 2
Teen Sewing Sessions with Mili
Wednesdays 5.15pm to 7pm NSW time
Beginners course to learn the basics of sewing, pattern making and draping.
The main idea for this course is to give our TEEN kids an opportunity to learn a new skill, that generations before them all knew how to do! A skill that can give them an opportunity to design and make their own clothes, that fit their OWN unique body shape. (In an era where body perfect is portrayed as an unrealistic ideology it really is something that they all need to understand. The perfect body shape that they see daily on social media, tv, magazines etc. is in fact completely Imperfect in every way!!).
So many teenagers I’ve spoken to have all said they would love to upcycle or revamp old vintage clothes or add to the clothes they all ready have, this is where Think Purple comes in and MILI.
Mili majored in fashion design and graduated with a bachelor of arts degree in 2005 and has been working in the industry for over 15 years, working for many big brands and specialising in dress-making and pattern-making. She has a passion for teaching others and a true desire to help our teens find a new creative pursuit that can give them some direction and keep them thinking positive.
In this 8 week course they will learn all the sewing techniques that will allow them to begin their journey into sewing. Starting from scratch with the basics and guiding them step by step through the essentials to make learning to sew a fun and inspiring experience.
The course will entail:
- Setting up your machine- threading, needle selection, thread choice, basic trouble shooting and maintenance
- Sewing components- creating neat seam finishes, adding zips and buttons, sewing curves, darts and points, fabric cutting
- Basic pattern making for a skirt (All the teens will learn the same design to create their own skirt to FIT THEIR OWN BODY SHAPE)
What to bring
-A working sewing machine- We recommend working on your own machine so they can build confidence and gain more experience at home on their own.
– notebook and pen-
We will provide
– sewing kits- thread snips, 1 metre of 150cm calico, sewing thread, fabric scissors, sewing pins, a water soluble pen or taylors chalk, measuring tapes, ruler and unpickers.
-Wednesdays 5.15pm to 7pm nsw time
please arrive 10 minutes before to allow time to set up machines
-First round of 8 weeks starts on 17th February 2021
$265 (and yes you can put the $100 nsw creative kids vouchers towards the cost )
On completion of this course we will be offering any teen who wishes to continue learning and creating more clothes an opportunity to carry on into an advanced course for term 2.
Please either email me or call me for payment details and to book in .
we are only taking in 8 teens.
Teen Option 3
Self Empowerment Mini Retreats
Next date is Sunday 28th Feb 2021 details and tickets can be purchased
“Imagine yourself comfortable and happy in your body at school and with your friends. Imagine handling your emotions with confidence and ease, knowing how to call on your inner resources and creative spirit whenever you need to.
In these workshops they
💜Learn to quiet their busy minds
💜Bring difficult emotions into an inner stillness through simple meditation techniques
💜express themselves through art, movement, song and improvisation games
💜Learn some essential communication tools that will help them to improve their close relationships
💜Be held in the loving support of a group of their peers, enabling them to freely express all of themselves.
💜Change their relationship with their body and learn how to rest comfortably in the vessel that holds them
💜.Learn key skills to become more confident in themselves.
These powerful workshops come in several parts. Each time we offer different skills to help our teens build resilience and empower them to be all they can be. ART and craft is a big part of the day. using the power of our imagination and learning to follow our intuition is all part of the THINK PURPLE philosophy!